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11月10號小朋友市集@ kargo mkt

Writer: 港講廣團隊港講廣團隊

Updated: Feb 25

再次多謝咁多位小老闆、小明星,你哋喺過去的星期日為 Media City Quayside Kargo Market 的大家帶來你的玩具、手作、舞藝、音樂,仲有數唔盡的歡樂同熱情!



A huge thank you to all our little bosses and shining stars! 🎉 This past Sunday at Media City Quayside Kargo Market, you brought your toys, crafts, dance moves, music—and endless joy and energy—to everyone! One young entrepreneur even asked if we could do it again in a couple of days! 😆

We, the uncles, aunties, big brothers, and sisters, need a little rest first, but we’ll be back soon, and we’ll be counting on you all to join us again! 🌟

Special Thanks:

Co-organiser - Salford Hongkongers CIC  

Venue - kargo.mkt  

Music Performance - @Monkey.M.Luffy 鬆鬆B  

Dance Performance - @eilydance


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